Massage Modalities
Craniosacral therapy (CST), or cranial-sacral therapy, is a form of bodywork or alternative therapy focused primarily on the concept of primary respiration and regulating the flow of cerebrospinal fluid by using therapeutic touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. Practitioners of craniosacral therapy assert that there are small, rhythmic motions of the cranial bones attributed to cerebrospinal fluid pressure or arterial pressure. The premise of CST is that palpation of the cranium can be used to detect this rhythmic movement of the cranial bones and selective pressures may be used to manipulate the cranial bones to achieve a therapeutic result.
Deep Tissue Massage
A technique aimed at affecting the various layers of fascia and loosening bonds between the layers of connective tissue.
Himalayan Hot Stone
Himalayan Salt adds a dose of healing within your massage experience. Himalayan Salt Stones provide 84 essential minerals including iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and more. The heated salt stones generate negative ions shown to help create a sense of peace and a deeper sense of relaxation and allow minerals to penetrate deep into muscles and joints. Salt stones also moisturize and plump up the outer skin layer, leaving it feeling refreshed and glowing. And Himalayan salt stones have been known to detoxify, help reduce insomnia, improve blood pressure and relieve stress.
Hot Stone
Experience something new. Hot Basalt stones are placed on your body to melt your sore muscles and tension away, increasing your circulation while promoting balance within the body and spirit. The stones are also used to massage your body.
Lomi Lomi
Lomi Lomi means massage in Hawaiian; this simple touch literally means to break up in small pieces with the fingers. The lomi lomi massage technique is done with long flowing strokes upon the muscles of the body. The massage is done with loving hands, forearms and elbows.
Manual Lymph Drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph from the tissues space body. The lymph system depends on intrinsic contractions of the smooth muscle cells in the walls of lymph vessels (peristalsis) and the movement of skeletal muscles to propel lymph through the vessels to lymph nodes and then beyond the lymph nodes to the lymph ducts which return lymph to the cardiovascular system. Manual lymph drainage uses a specific amount of pressure (less than 9 ounces per square inch) and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow.
Myofascial Release
A technique for stretching the fascia and releasing the bonds between fascia, skin, muscles and bones.
Ortho-Bionomy is a neurological and structure based work that works with the body’s ability to self correct without pain or force. Ortho-Bionomy is Osteopath based and includes working with structure, lymph, fluids, neurology, organs and the endocrine system. The work is based on comfort and allowing the body to relax into a new understanding, opening up neurological conversations that help speed up the process of healing from within. Ortho-Bionomy can help with neck, shoulder and back pain, sciatica, pre and post surgery, injury recovery, nerve pain, stress relief, strains and sprains and much more.
Pre-Natal/Post-Natal Massage
A Swedish massage performed in the side-lying position. Pillows are strategically placed for comfort and relaxation during the massage. Each side of the body will be massaged and she will have privacy and a few extra moments to switch sides.
Rain Drop Therapy
Powerful healing essential oils are used to oxygenate tissue, support glandular organ and immune health in a relaxing way. Oils are placed directly on the spine, legs and feet to access your relaxation response. Some immediate results include pain relief, mild detoxification and a calm nervous system.
in Japanese means finger pressure; it is a type of massage consisting of finger and palm pressure, stretches, and other massage techniques. Shiatsu practitioners promote it as a way to help people relax and cope with issues such as stress, muscle pain, nausea, anxiety and depression.
Sports Massage
A massage using many passive joint movements, along with kneading, rolling and tapping. It is used primarily for the serious athlete who trains continuously.
Structual Integration
Structural Integration is a type of alternative medicine which aims to align the human body in the gravitational field. It is essentially identical to Rolfing. The claimed benefit is that the increased use of balance at finer levels of the neuro-fascial-musculo-skeletal system allows for increased general well-being and physical adaptability and resilience as well as reducing biomechanically caused pain.
Often connective tissue (specifically fascia) is manipulated to allow body segments to shift to a more balanced position. Re-education of the client’s movement patterns and other modalities are commonly used in the belief that they can achieve or support the goal of improved alignment.
Swedish Massage
A light to medium pressure massage used to increase relaxation, stimulate blood flow, and reduce tension and stress.
Trigger Point Therapy
A pain relief technique to alleviate muscle spasms and cramping. The therapist locates and deactivates ‘trigger points,’ which are often tender areas when muscles have been damaged or acquired as a reoccurring spasm or ‘kink’ that worsens painfully when aggravated.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a gentle hands-on therapy that works through the body’s visceral system (the heart, liver, intestines and other internal organs) to locate and alleviate abnormal points of tension throughout the body.
*During any massage session, your LMT will use as many massage modalities and techniques they are trained in to release tight muscles.